Wednesday, April 29, 2015

An Eventful Journey.


As of 10:33 I am beginning a journey with you, you who are reading are going to travel the depths of our understanding, pretty shallow for some of us. I recognize I am asking alot of you already, but who knows mabye you or I might learn something from this experience.  Nevertheless we will embark on an exploration of understanding and as such I must be blunt in order to filter forth the right people to hear my thoughts.

I am attempting intelligence.
I don't believe in a higher power.
I am science and arrogant.
I am a progressive liberal.
I believe in love and evil.
I can admit my faults in spite of my arrogance.
I am a hopeless romantic.
I believe Love to be an interpretation.

Now that our preliminary assessment of basic character is established, now you can decide whether or not you choose to listen. I am not asking for a judgment, but rather i do ask you make an assessment of myself on your own.
Choose you do then our journey will continue.

I will explain myself thoroughly. I am attempting intelligence. For me to say attempting is to establish that neither you nor I have means of great intelligence and that is perfectly fine, because I am not asking for intelligence from you rather imagination and rationality.  And is that not what ultimately creates our intelligence? A blend of imagination and rationality?

I am a hopeless romantic. My desire for an occupational future is clouded by my lackluster desire for love. I will tell you I have fallen in love recently, but we will get to that.

And so we embark.

After this blog post look towards the void and understand that at 11:02 someone else is trying to conversate past a superficial level. We are both under the void, which unless you are an astronaut currently orbiting our planet you are here and able to relate to this post, but if you are an astronaut reading this post I am in lack of words for my admiration.

Love, Science, Hope, Kindness, Evil.

We are humans living under the void.

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