Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Frivolous Motive.

Here we are,
You've made it! Congratulations, you have chosen to stick around in spite of my annoying attempt at intelligence.
Allow me to introduce myself, for lack of better words I am perceptive. My interactions with my fellow humans is tailored and mapped out. Whenever I choose to engage in conversation I change my personality to better suit the person I am exchanging words with. I have found that while I am me, I am not myself to others. People may describe that as fake, but I see it as perceptive. To build stronger connections with people I choose to tell them what they want to hear, what they want to feel, what they want me to be.
Here conversations with you are not subject to that change. I don't know you which will let you better know me, the real me.
I am a know it all.
I am a male.
I am short.
I am far from the ideal guy.
But I know what the ideal guy is.
I am an imitation of that guy.
A poor one at that.
I am an environmentalist.
Not a hippe.
I am science.
As I said before I am science. I am a series of algorithms, from my interactions with loved ones to people I have known for 2 minutes. I have come to the underlying understanding that the people who best know me are you and people I have met for 2 minutes.
I fear that one day someone will see my algorithmic persona, but in that you are that someone. 
My motive for writing this is to expose myself to you. I want to stop being these algorithms and become me Leo.

Under the blue void I am unknown to the world minuscule in size and impact, but I am larger than life to myself and you should be as well. I am real. Not a artificially intelligent robot. Not a computer. 
Love, Science, Hope, Kindness, Evil
We are humans under the void. And I am me

*This is a footnote i have chosen to add a year after this post. After reading my previous post (such as this one) i have come to the understanding that i sound  extremely computed and pretentious. I promise i am a light hearted individual. I am just attempting to reinterpret the understandings i have come to in life and would like to convey my thoughts to the outside world in a way that does not offend or sound snobby. My friends outside of this blog have told me i have a history of poor debate ethics, because it's hard for me to understand both sides but on a blog I'm not arguing so forth these are just some of my brain droppings. Some of which happen to end up on this blog.

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